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lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Valentine's Day Blessings ♥

Hello my dears, it's being so long since I've come to my little blog and post something, I was definitely missing it so much, today I just wanted to take a minute to share with you a little T-Shirt DIY I made with my older girl, the details of it are in my Youtube Channel, you can check it out there, but here are the results, our T-shirts came out pretty good :) We took some pictures to post them here as you can see, my babies look adorable on their "Kisses for 25 cents, 50 cents and 1.00 dollar" designs and I got a very cute hearts on mine, can't ask for more this Valentine's day, just watch them grow up to the speed of the light and enjoy every chaotic bit of it makes me laugh and cry all at the same time: Sophia is almost 9 (scary face here), Stella would be starting Pre-school this year but because she was born 9 days after Sep.1st, she won't attend Pre-k until next year (she is so ready tho) and V is talking more than what I actually wanted sometimes lol, but I love it. Ican't deny how crazy is for me some days (everyday) but there is always a second where in the middle of all the screaming and fighting one of them (or sometimes all of them) come crying to hug me and say" "Mommy, beso" and I melt right there, in the middle of my frustration is like if they would remind me: "Mommy, I'm just a little girl, YOUR little girl" and everything is good... It is for sure a lot of mixed feelings in me living these crazy times and I know (and everybody tells me) "You will miss these years, they grow up too fast) So, before I go on and start looking back on pictures of them being my crazy trio I just want to say "Thank you" Sophia Stella and Victoria for making me so happy and so proud of being a women and your mother I hope from the bottom of my heart that one day you can feel all the love I have for you, there is no better Valentine's day than these crazy days we spend together and I am so blessed to have you all.

Sophia: My sweet big girl, always cooperating with me, she takes her "Big Sister" role pretty seriously, thanks so  much baby for being mommy's right hand!♥

Stella: You are a light in my days, you are so cute and so mature, You love following your big sister and try to do everything she does and then love to boss your little sister all around, I's so much fun watch you being soo cute everyday ♥

Victoria: I can't wait to hear you talk more and more everyday, I enjoy discovering your beautiful personality, You are my wild one so far, I can see how you are so confident and sweet at the same time, I am super blessed with your beautiful smile ♥

My beautiful and crazy trio

Thanks so much for coming to my little blog today, I hope you can enjoy a wonderful Valentine's day with your loved one! ♥


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