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miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

A otra cosa Mariposa 🦋

It’s been 10 years since I started  writing this little Blog, 
it’s time to fly... 
I’m not saying “Adios” for good because I’ll be back here and there with fewer posts probably, but I feel the need to close this beautiful chapter in my life. 
I started sharing my thoughts about motherhood, mainly in Spanish, because as a new young mom away from my family, I wanted to be connected and keep them posted about my daughter in a special way with everybody back home in Perú, but from there, I went on and started sharing more aspects of my life such as fashion, music, home decor and personal life, later in both Spanish and English languages.
It’s been a wonderful experience and now, I am left with a bunch of lovely memories that I will treasure forever.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you’ve been a subscriber or even if you have been here only once. I appreciate the support and I really hope that in any way I was able to inspire you, gave you an idea, get a smile out of your face or helped you in any way possible.
I am going to stay connected on social media and I hope to comeback with a new format or new ways to express myself and contribute to this world as always; with a positive, and women empowering message, as a mother of 3 girls, honoring my mother's legacy and my daughters future will always be my biggest mission in life.
I can’t wait to see you and start new chapters, challenges and keep inspiring each other.

Thank you, thank you, thank you and see you soon!

Xo: Natalia

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