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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta floral lace. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

Anniversary glam

It feels great, when you are a girl and you get the chance to go out on a date with your significant other... and especially great; when you are a mom and can enjoy a rare quiet, adult time, conversation with your love, and that is exactly what my husband and I got yesterday for our 11th anniversary, a nice quiet adult time at one of our favorite local restaurants (Same one where we got engaged 11 years ago), everything was just perfect... the food, the weather, the day... 
We definitely enjoyed our date.
My favorite part? Dressing up, of course! 
I wanted a sexy dress ('cause I got issues and want to feel young and sexy! lol)
 So, I looked around and found a very reasonably priced little blush dress from Charlotte Russe, (Link below) and to match the dress a super cozy coat in a burgundy color that at first I thought: "I might end up looking like a muppet with it, but I got a compliment from my hubby and from the waitress who asked me where did I get it?! So, I think the whole look was a success, even tho It was hard to breathe in the super tight dress; since I only found it in an XS size! 
But I made it work and I didn't pop it as I feared!
That, plush my Badgley Mishka shoes, my taupe wallet, some makeup and lashes and this was my glam look for my anniversary! 
Let me know if you like it or will try something similar for your special date?
Love my friends!

Xo: Natalia 


Get the look:

Floral lace Bodycon Dress: CR $16.99 Get it here
Faux Fur Burgundy Coat: CR $25.89 Get it here
Taupe Wallet: Bebé $14.99 Get it here
Badgley Mischka Strappy Sandals: $109.00 Get it here here