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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta road trip. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 15 de julio de 2018

Our Summer Road Trip 2018

 Let's go for a road trip! - Woo-hoo!! Shouted my girls when I told them we were going for a mini vacation trip with their cousins, grandma and aunts to a West Virginia Resort! We did the same trip last year so they already knew how it was gonna be and loved to have the chance to spend time with more kids around a pool and enjoy entertainment with the family. So we packed our bathing suits and off we went, 3 hours and a half of driving; which surprisingly for me; were super easy  (thanks of plenty snacks and good music) went by with no complaints and no stops, I think my girls were extra excited to arrive that they didn't even want to take a nap or blink, it was a smooth ride to the mountains, I will forever loved the experience of driving with my semi-quite little girls who were singing and eating thru the whole ride, We arrived in the afternoon and my in laws were already expecting us and welcoming us with some yummy Peruvian food, my older daughter's favorite "Ají de gallina" they ate 2 plates each, then we put on our bathing suits and headed to the open swimming pool, it is beautiful there; we have plenty pools around here but the view with the mountains surrounding us is magical, I forgot how much I missed it from last year.
My girls had a blast splashing and playing with their other cousins; 6 total kids jumping over and over into the water and playing while eating snacks.
If I have to give an advice to moms with little kids (or big ones) in the pool it will have to be: Sunscreen and Snacks! 
Those 2 are my MUSTS when we are under the sun and by the pool, so plenty snacks and plenty sunscreen was my 2 best friends during the whole trip

Oh, and my third best friends are these Floaties ($17.99) I don't know what I would do without them, it's a peace of mine to have my little girls strapped to them to make sure they are extra safe in the water, I got mine from Target  last minute because my older ones were getting to small already for my girls but there are better deals at Amazon.

From time to time they will beg me to take them off, so they can feel they can go "under the water" but as soon as they do their little tricks I would strapped them back on to them and off I'd go to watch them while tanning myself. ( I love to lay and tan) Can you tell? :)

For our evenings I loved to dressed up, got plenty of cute dresses for all of us (trying to match sometimes) and have a delicious Homemade-Peruvian dinner thanks to so many "Tías and abuelita" with magic hands that made so much of our favorite comfort food! 
(Watch for my nexts posts about my favorite fashion pieces on our trip)

One of the days we stayed we decided to try something "adventurous" while 
still kid-friendly and we found Tubing! 
I was hesitating at the beginning but I'm glad We went for it 
(after watching other little kids going thru it) it was so much fun 
Loved every minute of it, my babies loved it so much too 
and I enjoyed watching their little faces in the wind and listen to their little voices screaming and  smiling at the same time!

 Plus we got a good exercise taking the tubes to the top of the mountain so then we could sliced down, I have a fun video posted on my instagram you may watch it here!

But for sure one of our best parts was ICE CREAM!
We celebrate how brave we were sliding down with some nutty buddies! :)

Before traveling I found his adorable bathing suits of course, you guested at Target! 
I mean they are the cutest, "RULE THE POOL" ($14.99) was perfect for us!
I also found cute pool sandals for them that are the perfect match!

...And, there was a jacuzzi at our hotel! OMG, We loved it! 
Every night after a fun day we stayed in the jacuzzi with bubbles and enjoyed ourselves... 
I called this a vacation!

 But when you are a mom sometimes you need a vacation from your vacation, lol; 
"Mom this and mom that" over and over... well, the usual!
Likely there was wine! 
I had plenty of this one at night at our "Bingo" nights with the aunts,
 I would call our summer nights at West Virginia:
Nights of bingo, good food, plenty of running and screaming from the kids and good wine ! ♥

 Summer days like these are my favorite, specially when you have the best company: my kids, family, good music good food... it was so much fun to tell stories at night while sleeping at a hotel and then splashing in the water teaching my little ones to float on their backs and playing with 
the cousins, my big girl Sophia would jump into the 12
   feet pool a thousand times and every time I would be there clapping and 
taking fun videos of her (Watch on of those videos here

 So happy and blessed to have had this time with my girls and the family, so many memories we can treasure from this summer days and I look forward for so many more litte vacations like this one!

 Until the next time Massanutten Resort, thanks for having us there and for the great time you always offer us, We will be back for sure very soon!
xo Natalia