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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta our dog lila. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2019

I am a fur-momma! ♥ Meet Lila-Joy Zerga

I'm in love! Sooo totally in love with this beautiful, sweet and mellow 4 legged baby girl, her name is "Lila Joy", she is a pure breed Havanese and she came to our family on March 5th, 2019.
For the Spanish version of this post please watch this video where I explain everything about her in my native language, Spanish!
Now, if you been following me in Social media you might already know that I've been behind the idea of having a dog since long ago, but the circumstances were not playing on my side, we even got another puppy for a couple of days at our home but his fur-momma decided to keep him at the end and not re-homed him with us. Going thru some "ruff" times finding the right match I was getting really anxious and hopeless, I was looking for a dog that can be a good match with my 3 girls, a puppy that can be energetic and fun yet soft and mellow with little kids, and yes, Lila is that and much more, we got super lucky getting her, she is not only the cherry on the top to our family but is the cutes, fun, and well-behaved girl, I am telling you. I am very lucky, she came already potty trained, housebroken, fixed, microchipped... and with all the vaccinations up to her year, she is 12 months old and we got her just in time to celebrate her first birthday on March 10th!
(You can check the pictures of her "1st Birthday Pawty" here) We also made a cute welcome- announcement video that is posted on my youtube Channel, check it out here!
Now that it's been 15 days since we got her in our family I just can't imagine our lives without her sweet face around the house, I feel we had adjusted super well and we have our routines down by now, even for the short periods of time when she needs to be left at home alone, she seems to understand that is just a time that she gets to rest by herself and she is not even complaining, taking her in the car is not her favorite but now with the help of a bully stick she rides easily and happily.
I received this baby girl with the tremendous help from angels on earth and also from heaven, if it wasn't for them Lila wouldn't be here, I a so thankful and in forever debt with my helpers, especially with one dear friend who basically "got her for me", THANK YOU ANNE, this is the best "present" anybody can receive, your passion about dogs, your knowledge about this breed, all your love and care was everything during this process and continues to be a blessing for Lila and us, I know "Mango" means the same to you and to your family and it melts my heart to know that our fur babies are family too, thank you, thank you, you are the best "Fur-God Mother". 
All of my friends who also helped me thru the journey to find my "Joy" are in my heart forever, thanks for understanding how important she is to me, for listening every time I had news about her and for sharing my Joy at her Birthday Pawty, your beautiful presents were amazing, thank you again.
Now that my life feels like it got one of the most important pieces of its puzzle, I suddenly have a sense of peace, a sense of wholeness that I didn't have before, she is one more reason for me to smile every day, even when life can be taught, she shows me that a treat and a walk outside can fix anything.
Thanks for reading, and from now on; expect to see "LilaJoy" around here very often, actually, she has her own Instagram account that you have to follow: "HavaneseTales"
So, don't miss any of her posts there!
~See you guys soon~
