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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta thanksgiving. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019

Thanksgiving 2019 (Pictures)

Happy Thanksgiving!
 I am thankful for my Crazy family, specially for Stella who is the only one who cooperated for the family picture this year! Lol
seriously now, I am so thankful for YOU. My friends and followers and everyone who inspire me every single day in a different way. Our friendship and the moments we have shared so far are the ones that help me every day to feel happy and at home! Thanks for the laughs, for the hugs, the serious advices and the goofy ideas!  I love how you make my life complete and better with the special gifts you bring into my life. Thank you 
We had a fun, easy little celebration at home, my girls always bring happiness (and craziness to my life) so here are these cute (and real) pictures from us, always a struggle to take good pictures with little ones and with a big family, but Their craziness is actually what makes them extra special.
I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving celebration.
Xoxo: Natalia

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Thanksgiving 2013

I know that is  "a little bit" late but i wanted to post anyways some pictures of the celebration with our new member of the family!