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jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2019

My favorite Kimono

Hey loves I have to say it: I won't get tired to use and re-use this adorable kimono, what a great piece to have in your wardrobe, goes with a beautiful elegant dress, with jeans and boots, with shorts, with a casual LBD or with a bathing suit! I just don't get tired of it! ♥
Here it is again, this time with some khaki shorts and a basic tank top! I loved this boho look, let me know how would you wear it?
Xo: Natalia

Get the Look:

This adorable Lace Kimono/Shawl: Similar here, here, here and here
Khaki shorts: Similar here or here
Black tank top: Similar here
Sandals: Get them here, similar here 
Sunglasses: $19.00 Nordstrom get it here
Crossbody purse: Similar here or here
Elephant bracelet: Similar here or here
Layered necklace: Similar here and here

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2019

Casual LBD ♥

One of my favorite casual, easy and fabulous looks of this Summer it has been this LBD, I've been on the run here and there with my girls and I fell in love with this comfortable and cute piece!
There is so much one can do with an LBD you can totally dress it up or down, I wore it with sandals, wedges, high heels, and sneakers depending on the occasion and situation, I grabbed it many many times during this season and felt now only comfortable but also fashionable!
My favorite accessory with this outfit it's definitely been a fanny pack! 
I guess I am totally over my mommy bags and diaper bags so I am a fan of taking "nothing" with me, a fanny pack gives me hands-free and also adds to my look that extra casual vibe! 
I loved this look and I hope it gives you an idea for your own wardrobe!
Xo: Natalia.


Get the Look:

Dress: Similar here, here and here
Sandals: Get them here, similar here 
Sunglasses: $14.00 Nordstrom get it here
Fanny Packs: Similar here, here and here

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2019

Do you dress age-appropriate?

Being comfortable in your own skin to me means to be and to do whatever that feels good to you, in your heart and in your mind. 
For instants, when society, family or friends would tell you NOT to wear certain clothes because they are not "age-appropriate" for you and therefore you won't wear them even when those rules won't make YOU happy would be a clear example of not being comfortable with yourself but actually denying your true light to shine all because you want to please the rest.
I'm not talking about "appropriate for an occasion or situation" Like, dressing accordingly to the weather you live in (Beach = Swimsuits, Snowboarding = Jackets)  I'm talking about little things here and there that because of a women's age or body type society supposed you SHOULD not wear, they won't look bad on you but yet, people would judge and  tell you is not appropriate for YOU.
All that thinking got me just now as I was uploading this new look...Yes, I am 36, yes, I am a mom and a wife, but most importantly than any labels life gives me I am just a girl who loves fashion and sometimes falls in love with a little tight romper and wants to wear it and thinks it looks great!
Now, some people want to convince me that I am "too old for it", or too "mom for it" or too this or that.., I said: F*u you "some people"! I will wear whatever I think looks good and appropriate FOR ME and I will follow my own rules.
 At some point in your adult life, you need to know who you are and have that very clear for you. 
It's very important to know what goes and what doesn't go with you, your personality and lifestyle!
To me, a romper from Forever 21 doesn't make me any younger or any prettier, I make the romper look good, and that's what matters,
I don't think society should retire us from trends or styles depending on our age, I think that decision should be a personal choice by each one of us and if wearing shorts at 40-50-60 feels good to you: Go for it! If showing a sexy cleavage feels good to you even after your brests have come thru breastfeedings and life gravity but makes you feel sexy and empowered: Go F* for it! 
Wear that bikini if you can handle and overcome the fact that your stretch marks will show, Go for it!
 There is nothing more beautiful than being proud of yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin.
So, with that little thought, I want to leave you on this sunny summer Saturday: Be you, do you! 
Find truly who you are, how your soul feels and how you vibe and express it in your clothing too! 
The world needs to see you, needs to find how your heart it's reflected in the outside and don't let anybody dictate what your essence should look like!

Xoxo: Natalia

Get the Look

Cheetah Print Romper: Sold out, but similar styles here, here, here and here
Sunglasses: here
Leather Sandals: Similar options: here, here and here
Layered necklace: Similar here and here


martes, 5 de febrero de 2019

Wild thing

So, for some years now, I've been looking for a cozy and fabulous faux fur leopard jacket, and I finally got it this past Christmas, I've already used it a couple of times, and let me tell you, it is the coziest and cutest, I am so so glad I got this beauty, we have together many years (and pictures) to enjoy in many, many more winters to come.
For now, here I 'm sharing my favorite pictures on the snow with my Wild-beauty! 
I think every woman should have an animal print garment in her wardrobe, is a statement piece that goes amazingly well with any outfit, every girl in love with fashion will love and enjoy a coat/jacket like this one.
Details of this Winter look below.
Xo: Natalia

Get the Look

Faux Fur Leopard Jacket: Similar here, here or here
Leather Pants: Similar here and here
Basic long sleeves top: $10.00 Get it here
Black Booties: Similar here or here
Sunglasses: Here