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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Sunday brunch. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Sunday brunch. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 24 de junio de 2018

Sundays & Brunches

Love Summer Sundays, they are not just the laziest but also the prettiest to spend at home with the family, we have a pretty cute little deck at the house and we have our sweet, oldie but goodie patio set that at this time of the year we enjoy so much.
I get all excited and dressed up for some yummy food with the girls, today we endulge with waffles topped with whipped cream, chocolate milk, eggs and bacon and at the ends the girls ask for Popsicles!
I adore this memories we get to create on Summer time when we just sit at the table and make funny faces, enjoy sweet food and talk about our plans for next week.
At many times I find myself complaining about how my life is far from perfect, but with days like today I just look around me and feel completely blessed for my beautiful not-perfect life and try to hold on to my little girls that are growing at te soeed of the light.
So, thanks for Sundays and brunches, thanks for this time that I am able to hold them all in my armas and share a popsicle and laugh ona Summer Sunday.
Xoxo: Natalia