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domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2019

Cozy-Chic Fall look 🍂

Happy Fall!

Today I had huge plans, I was taking my girls apple picking and eat some yummy cozy food... But! Life happens,  first I woke up to the sound of: “Mom, a raccoon throw all our trash everywhere” Ugh! Then the girls fought over a piece of bread during breakfast, and last but not least one of my girls stepped on my laptop and now the screen is completely messed up! 
So, no apple picking today! 
This momma felt like if a train ran over me and it’s just midday! I just want to cuddle in my bed with my dog and pretend all was a dream!
I’m just not in the mood anymore, since tomorrow is a holiday I think it will be better for me to take them then and enjoy the day! I hope in few hours and after another cup of coffee I will feel better and want to start fall decorating my house. Yesterday we went for brunch and to our local Farm market and got few cute ghost pumpkins so that is a start, all I want now is to see my house fall ready and smelling delicious.
While walking around Annapolis yesterday after our brunch, my daughter Sophia took these pictures of me wearing this cute Fall outfit, I hope you like it and get to try any of this items! 
Happy Sunday: Natalia 

Get the Look:

Kimono Sweater: Get it here
Jeans: similar here
Cheetah print shoes: Similar here
Burgundy top: Similar here
 Clear purse: Similar here
GG belt: Similar  here
Sunglasses: Similar here 

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2018

Potty training V ♥

So, that lovely time has come to me again, the time when I have to potty train one of my babies.
I have 3 little girls, Sophia10, was my first experience potty training a human so I really tried my best, I had no much of a clue about how or when exactly to start potty training a baby until family members started asking me: Is she still on diapers? 
I think she was 3 to 4 years old when I told myself:  "I gotta get this potty training thing done", 
So, I armed myself with a sophisticated potty toilet (with lights, music, stickers, and Diploma included) lots of book and the "Elmo' goes to potty" videos running in the background of my house 24/7 and I started potty training my first girl.
I don't remember being in a difficult situation because I think I was not going out as much as I go out now, so she was pretty much all the time at home and if she had a little accident here and there it was nothing to panic about because we were right next to the toilet, she used pulled ups or easy ups for a while especially at night, I was paranoid about her wetting the bed and she barely did
For my second child it went down even better, I was now feeling more confident and expecting a smooth transition, so I used the "mimicking technique" like showing her how her big sister (or mommy) does it, I remember bringing her with me to buy cute underwear, getting her into a no water after 6pm routine etc. 
So she did it easier than my first one, except that this time we were going out a little more, so I remember having to make few stops at public restrooms for her, luckily, I found out about these toilet seat covers that I used to take with me everywhere and Stella loved to use them and it gave me a piece of mind when we were outside. Stella had a good transitioning and also used pullups for a while before going completely on underwear for a whole day and night.

Now for my 3rd child (and hopefully my last), things were going a little bit more wild and messy.
So, since my house now is usually crazier and messier than what it used to be, I didn't have the time to prepare myself this time around... no pull-ups, no fancy potty chairs, no Elmo singing "accidents happen and that's ok,...", no diplomas or stickers... she basically started potty training herself even before I even realized she was "ready", Why? well, because she had the big sisters influence!
Since she is the little one she is always behind her big sisters trying to imitate them in everything they do, that includes the toilet and when I saw her being interested I asked my husband to bring back our simple and basic potty chair from the attic (we had a couple of them) and let it being there next to the big toilet in the girls bathroom to see "if" she would like to try... and she did! and plenty times! 
She was actually a pro in the matter, taking down her diaper, sitting in the chair and calling me when she was done!
I felt so successful!
...like Ok, We're done!

But, not so fast she seemed to tell me... after a good couple of weeks of trips to the "big girl's potty" she was not feeling it anymore, she started to be afraid and holding herself back. 
So I said we need more time in diapers, she was only 2 and a half, so I didn't need to hurry.
Then time passed and she turned 3, during months she was in this love-hate relationship with the toilet, having many, many accidents at home and still using diaper for when we were in public and definitely at night, I got her pull-ups and cute little underwear, but she was still not feeling the potty at all, Why? I really don't know, all I can think is that she maybe realized that it was just much easier to stay in diapers all day.
It was a frustrating game seeing her going back instead of forward to her goals, so little by little we tried and tried again with all the little tricks I knew... singing songs, having her watch little potty training videos, coming with all of us to the potty and even giving her prizes everytime she would successfully go to the toilet, and finally; slowly but shortly; with accidents here and there and many many stops to the public restrooms, she started to go back again to the potty.
She is now almost 3 and a half and is rarely having an accident and she goes without a pullup during the whole night, she sure feels like one more big girl in the house and she is totally in love with her little underwear.
As a mom is so hearted melting and reliving seeing her going on into a healthy development and getting to be a real big girl, is also a relieve no to have to buy diapers anymore in this household, it is a great sensation, I feel happy for her and I feel this journey can be at times frustrating and stressful but with patience and little tricks here and there it is a transition that will happen to every baby.

So I guess I officially have no babies anymore, just big girls around here, I know you may think I'm crazy if I tell you that after all this effort to help her get there, now I miss my baby with diapers...
I know, I'm crazy like that, It's similar to when you were miserable being pregnant and couldn't wait to give birth but then when you are not pregnant anymore you look back in pictures or touch your belly and wish for a moment you would have your baby back again inside of your tummy, or when you couldn't wait to stop using huge diaper bags and dream about going lighter with a tiny cross body purse (I used to dream about that) but then you think how useful that huge diaper bag was and wonder if you could use it again?... 
Well, that's motherhood to me... it's all the feelings at once, I just can't win.
You'll always be missing something from the past but will go crazy to get to the next step.
If you are a mom, I want to send you right now a huge hug, if you don't know it or if no one told you today: you are doing a great job!
Just by caring and loving your baby you are the best mom in the world, don't ever forget that!

Xo: Natalia.

lunes, 14 de agosto de 2017

"Little bare feet"

 Another Summer is flying by my eyes, this year got me raising my 3 babies (who are not so babies anymore) and I came to the conclusion that my parenting style during summer time includes bare-sandy feet, salty hair, tan lines, ice cream, late night movies, tons of fruits and hours on the i-pads! but hey, they enjoy it and if they are happy I am happy.

Sophia (9 years old) is my pre-pre teenager, we are getting into a new face of our lives with her and I am excited/scare about it, I seriously can't wait to see her become a young girl but at the same time I don't want to go thru the crazy teenage years, what parent wants that right?, so I am very happy when I can still get a little bit of a little girl on her, like when she gets a Rita's ice cream and enjoys it like a 2 year old or when she is on her room and I catch her playing with her barbies, she's maybe growing up to the speed of the light but I can still see my little girl asking me for hugs! We still have few more years to enjoy more of that I'm sure, besides, how bad can the teenage years can be, right?.

Stella (3 years old) was my crazy tornado around the house, she will throw rice over all my kitchen floor, and scream to the top of her lungs at the grocery store, she will cry non stop until I would come and get her on her crib every single night, but lately is amazing to see more "sense" in here, she is becoming a helpful, mindful and sweet little girl, I love to see her taking her "big sister" role completely seriously with her sister and explaining how to do things, (bossing her little sister everywhere to be exact) and since her birthday is next month, she can't stop talking about how she is getting to be a big, BIG GIRL now (in "Sepmember" as she says) that she'll be 4 and she will have super powers and will be able to fly like "Wonder Women", she is to me my wonder threenager, that can fly high to the sky and come back to touch my heart with every little kiss she gives me.

and Victoria, my baby! (I refuse to stop calling her "baby") she is 2, yeah, the TERRIBLE TWOS! and let  me tell you she is giving that name some justice!
Victoria has grown faster than my older girls, maybe because she has all the information on hand to do so, and now she is such a smart and funny girl, whenever she does something bad, she will immediately tell me how her big sisters did it but of course, she had nothing to do with it, or she will hide on the farthest corner of the house assuming that mom wont go there to catch her and take her to time out, I'm old and tired now, I let her get away with way more than I did with Sophie, she is mommy's baby, did I mention that?

I am blessed, totally and completely blessed as a mother and I wanted to take this minute to say it, enjoy it and thank God and life for my 3 blessings, for my 3 little beautiful, healthy, funny, smart, crazy and sassy little girls that life gave me.
Time flies for everybody, please enjoy and count your blessings, whatever they may be, if s a career that fulfills you, if is a family, if is your partner that makes you happy or friends that you can count on or if you are a mom going crazy with everything in your house, please remember that those are our gifts and it's our time to savor them and treasure them, today, not tomorrow, today!

Sincerely: Natalia ♥