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lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Maryland Fiesta Latina

It was a great Fiesta here in Maryland and I felt honored and blessed to be part of it.
This past Sunday we celebrated heritage and roots here in Annapolis, a beautiful day where Latin culture was filling the air with happiness, delicious food, music, family and love.
I was lucky to be able to dance a few songs with the talented Sherri Jolly (a local celebrity who everyone who knows her love and admire for her dancing talent and kind heart) "Dancefit by Sherri" brought her party to the "Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds" and with all her charisma and fun vibe made everyone dance and move to the rhythm of many Latin songs, from salsa and merengue to bachata and reggaeton, it was contagious to watch her and her crew dance and then, they taught the same dances to everybody who wanted to learn. it was so fun!
I got emotional when I saw the Peruvian dancer's show, "Armonias Peruanas" totally reminded me of my beloved country, they did a great job and showed their talent in the stage as well, my heart beat a little faster to the rhythm of "huayno" and "festejo"
The music bands were a total hit at the main stage, people were dancing and singing to their songs, it felt just like a Fiesta back home!
Food, omg! the smell was filling the air and I couldn't resist trying the amazing paella, the delicious churros and of course, the free tasting chips, I already want to eat all again!
When my turn came to get on the stage I thought I didn't want to be up there, I needed to be close to the people who were seated a little "too far" from me, so I decided to get down with them and sing almost face to face with them, so they could really feel me, I don't get many chances to perform, so I really wanted to make it a close and honest show and being "with" the crowd is the best way I know to let them know that I mean what I am doing and luckily they did felt my songs, we sang and we danced and I loved every minute of it.
I have to give a huge thanks to my dear friends: Sherri, Claudia, Delia and Anne for being the sweetest and most professional back up dancers I could ask for, not only looking at them while singing made me feel comfortable and happy but "damn", they looked great and did an awesome job with the choreographies they put together, I can't believe I got so lucky to have them with me, I loved the reaction from friends when they saw them and said to me: "Wow, sexy back up dancers and all.." lol, and yes, I got the best back up dancers, but especially I got the best friends! Thank you loves ♥
With my heart full of gratitude, I got to say that it was a beautiful experience that I already want to try again, I've been away from the singing life for a while because I have been devoted to my girls, but time is passing and my babies are growing and I can feel the itch again for singing and performing, hopefully, I will get to do it again soon.
So, in conclussion the "Maryland Fiesta Latina" was a total hit, in my opinion, "Abc Events" did a great job organizing everything and I am thankful to have been invited, we had a blast and we got to celebrate family and friendship, which are some of the most valuable treasures my culture has.
Thanks for coming to my blog, for reading and for sharing this beautiful experience with me.
Xo: Natalia.
PS: I have videos of the event posted on my Social media account:
 Instagram and Facebook, you can check them out there. ♥

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