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miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

The Unexpected Factor

Another day at the office... Girls are in bed (finally) after running, playing, fighting, crying, eating, throwing food on the floor, kissing, singing, dancing, laughing... laughing a lot! What else is for them to do, right? I mean, people ask me: How do you do with 3 girls and no help? I say, I have no choice! This is what I chose to do with my life right now and I don't think there is right or wrong, there are some good days, some rough days and all you can do is to try your best, but if I would have to give an advice to a new mom, moms of multiple kids or just to a women who is thinking in having a baby, mom to mom would be: "don't expect it to be perfect", perfection is already there! The fact that we are doing it it's enough, as long as we try, as long as we give all we have for our kids and we do it with love, that's it!
No tricks, no keys and no magical recipes for a happy perfect motherhood.
You just need to read a lot, ask other moms, and specially listen to your heart; intuition is amazing and it will take us far in this joyful, busy and crazy road in motherhood land!
I used to expect great diners and perfect walks to the park... with one girl was kind of possible, now with 3 it's just fun and the unexpected factor is always there!
I just learned to laugh at myself trying to get the perfect pony tail for my 1 year old... I put so much attention and she looks adorable but lasts only few minutes because then; the big sister comes and they star laughing or fighting and there it went my hopes for a perfect pony tails!
Still I keep on trying and keep on making the pony tail, why? Because there is exactly where my joy is, in trying, in doing even when I know is gonna get messy in seconds and I actually learned to love the messiness where I live now, I learn to cry and then laugh unstoppable for my mess!
I can say once I learned to accept it and learned to enjoy it; my life got a lot more happy and relaxed!
Honestly I think this is what is all about for now: Be messy and happy!
Putting tings in perspective is key here, my babies won't be babies for ever, it will be a time when there won't be more fights, and fuss and mess and waking up at 4am to nurse my newborn, there won't be no more nightmares at 2am and no more "ghosts under the bed of my 7 year old", there won't be no more ice cream spilled on my Ipad and there won't be no more sharpie ink on my sofa and I know I will miss soo much my babies and I won't be no more their sweet super incredible mom!
I will miss for sure there little arms hugging me; one girl in front, one girl in that back and the other girl in my arms... gotta love and treasure this "mommy moments" I wish they lasted for ever! I'm gonna miss my little crazy sweet little girls.
For now I am embracing and dancing with the music of the tv and the toys playing all at once out loud!.

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