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domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Summer 2015 Favorites

And before summer officially ends here are all my Summer Favorites!

I've being enjoying them more than anything during this season, and I hope to keep doing so maybe next year as well!
From what I'm dressing my girls with to what Popsicle flavors we are loving.
This Season it's being a quiet but fun Summer, with the new addition to the family I'm trying not to "party" too hard, it's really hot outside and it's not really cool to take a new born there, but with simple little things we are making sure Summer 2015 it's a Summer to remember for all of us!

My Mermaid Obsession!

I found this beauties one day at the mall checking clothes for my girls at H&M, they standed there looking at me! the last 3 pieces and they fit my 3 girls sizes (8 years old, 2 years old, and 6 months old) It was like sent to me from Beach-Heaven! I couldn't say no, actually I did at first, because the price tag was not on sale and it's kind of hard to buy 3 pieces at once BUT this time I just couldn't resist. They call me and I had to answer! I don't regret it at all, the sizes will fit next summer as well!
I tried finding them online but unfortunately they are sold out.

And there they are, looking soo cute 3 little mermaids, holding a little cat winking and all!

I'm a "New mom of 3" so, you can tell how much fun I am having dressing them all the same! I know, they will probably hate it one day, but Sorry I'm not sorry I think it's adorable!

Taking a picture of the 3 together smiling it's almost as hard as trying to baptize a cat!, So far no luck! there's always one of them crying and the other one looking away!, at least one smiles!

More favorites:

The Donut!

Flowers for the Summer!

Flamingo Land!

Kids Pool

My Polaroid camera!


Home made Popsicle

Dont leave summer!

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