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domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2018

Back to School Interview

My girls are back to school, well, 2 at least! 
Sophia my 10-year-old is staring her last year at Elementary
and my middle girl Stella 4, almost 5) is staring her first year ever at school: Pre-K, she is officially starting next week (look for the official pictures of that coming next week), but we are already set for the school year and my little Victoria is still too little for School this year so she gets to hang out with mommy while her sisters go to school this year.
I asked them some fun questions I copied from one of my favorites mom blogger Jessica Garvin, (and added 2 more questions) she has 3 girls like me and I followed her many years ago and feel the common things we have together while raising 3 girls, she is lovely, if you don't know her you have check her blog now.
School is excited for my girls and for me I can't tell you how much I am wishing for them to have a fun and successful school year, so far Sophie had some drama (already) with some girls at school, but that's another story that I'm sure I'll share and try to get some opinions on all these:
 "mean-girls-situations at school" (I can't believe we are going thru it already :( sight...* ), 
but that is for another post.
For now, here are my girl's answers to this fun questionary:

What is your Name? 

-Stella Zerga
-No (Victoria)

How old are you?

Sophia: I'm 10
Stella: 4!, Uhmm 5 now!
Victoria: Uhmm... 3

What is your favorite color?

Sophia: Baby blue
Stella: Teal
Victoria: Pink, Purple, and Blue

What is your favorite food?

Sophia: "Huevo de gallina" (Ají de Gallina - Peruvian dish)
Stella: "Hevo gallina" too
Victoria: Spagetti with brocoli"

What is your favorite movie?

Sophia: "Mama mia - 2"
Stella: "Jack-Jack" (The Incredibles 2)
Victoria: "Increbibles"

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Sophia: a Psicologist
Stella: a Doctor
Victoria: a Lambie

What is your favorite toy/game: 

Sophia: Slime
Stella: Dollies
Victoria: Balloons

What is your favorite part about School?

Sophia: Going home
Stella: Math (never done math in her life)
Victoria: I pad!

What is your favorite song?

Sophia: I dont know...
Stella: Kids pop music!
Victoria: I love all the music!

What do you love the most?

Sophia: Family
Stella: Lollipops
Victoria: You, momma!

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