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viernes, 22 de marzo de 2019

Birthday Photoshoot

My sweet, fabulous and talented 11-year-old daughter/"The photographer" for this Blog: Sophia, told me the other day: "Mommy, for your birthday, I want to give you a "Photoshoot free of whining" (Because in most photoshoots she does with me, there may or may not be some drama, fights, tears, bribing and whining involved - both, from the photographer and the model) Lol.
So, when she offered me such a kind and thoughtful present for my birthday I went all for it.
Here I share with you all the pictures we got, the theme was: "Happy, fun, young birthday girl celebrating in her pajamas" lol. We had so much fun setting up our background, playing, jumping on the bed and eating a lot of cake!
I hope you like them, I will for sure treasure all these images.
Xo, Natalia



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