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martes, 25 de junio de 2019

Lazy Summer ♥

Hello Summer! The other day I was thinking about how me, being a Stay at home mom, has given me so much guilt, well, if you are a mom, you know you just live your life full of guilt for one or another reason, at least I do, so here is what I wrote the other day, I hope you like it and understand me better or maybe you feel the same way, I would love to hear your own opinion :) 


"Now that my girls are off School and with Summer Vacation on full mode, I am re-scheduling my life! Trying to get as much as “lazy time” as possible, I mean, when life throws you lemons you better add tequila and make margaritas right?  Many times I’ve thought that “not having a job” is a set back in my life, that I am not being “productive” that I am not “contributing” to society, that I am not “worth it” for not being making money ... I am guilty and I am often “killing myself” with negative thoughts about how I am not a “wonder women” who can do it all (Working and being a mom) but see, life acts in mysterious ways and I am not gonna fight it anymore, what it is, it is. Only I know that I would LOVE to have a proper “job” right now and be very, very “successful” and that my situation is not chosen purposely, so, for once and for all I will enjoy, relax and understand that this is my moment to just be "lazy" and "just  be a full-time mom, (which, if you have little kids, you know is not really being lazy, but...), I will embrace my free time and I will stop feeling guilty for it, I will have late brunches, enjoy pool/beach days on a Tuesday, I will enjoy the spontaneous walks to the park, I will take a long nap in the middle of the day (if the girls let me) I will watch a movie in the middle of the night... (I know the struggle is real, right? lol). I will be happy for it and make sure my girls see a happy mom who is present and enjoying life, because, who knows, probably soon, it will be the time when I’ll go back to work long hours outside home and I will miss these lazy summer days... I will miss being “just a mom”. 
From now on, I promise that wherever I am, I WILL BE HAPPY with what it is".


So in honor of my "lazy-lay-back Stay at Home Mom life, here is a little Pool Look, I was missing taking pictures and posing for my talented 11-year-old daughter/photographer! I really enjoyed this One-Piece bathing suit from Cupshe, is chic, comfortable and cute, I 'll be wearing it over and over for sure! Check the links below for all the info on how to get it for you.
Xo: Natalia

"Get the Look"
Cupshe One Piece Bathingsuit: ON SALE $24.50 Get it here
Strappy Sandals:$12.90 Get them here
White Cover-up: Similar here, here and here
Victoria's Secret Pompom beach Bag: Similar here and here

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