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lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2019

Back to School 2019

That time of the year is here, my oldest daughter started a new chapter this year as a new Middle schooler, she (and I) are very excited and nervous, hopeful and scared, but so far is so good! 
She is handling her new school year like a champ and I am so proud of her.
The picture above is of our two little ones holding our hands going to school today, one for the very first time and the other one for the first time as a full-time student! 
They did not cry or hesitated for a second, they ran and jumped of excitement when they saw their new teachers, I let them go... 
I wasn’t ready tho, I needed an extra hug, I wanted to make sure they were ok, I wanted a last peek of them leaving... but they didn’t look back, they were so ready and so happy... 
It’s funny how I complain every day about the noise and the fights and the drama at home but at the same time here I am crying like a Magdalena, looking at the pictures and wanting to stop already... 
I wish they would stop growing, I wish I could freeze these moments and have them in my arms a little longer.
Motherhood had definitely made me go crazy, I completely lost myself and completely let my heart go out of my body to live in theirs... and that’s ok, I love it like that! 
So I will cry and laugh all in one day, I will invest myself and put all my hopes in them, I will loose my cool and I will be probably disappointed at times and so very proud at other times, and that it’s ok!  
“Being a mom is learning about the strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed”.

Xo: Natalia



(6th Grade)

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