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sábado, 15 de agosto de 2020


If you would live your life with true freedom and you would allow yourself to express your feelings no matter what; Wouldn't it be that the ultimate goal and path to true happiness?

If you allow yourself to grow without social, religious, political or family restrictions, 

- What would you do? 

- Who would you be?

- Where would you be at?  

- How would you look like? 

These were some of the questions I've been asking myself for some time.

One of the answers to these questions came to me in the form of my hair... 

If I would never comb it and I would just let it grow and be itself it would definitely get tangled and crazy... 

So I tried to fast forward that process and find out what is that I would look like if I would let my hair be free, and there it was: "Dreadlocks"; that later I accessorized and make it look "pretty to my taste" 

When I was done knitting my locks, I told myself I'm going to count how many of them I got and I knew that number was going to be a meaningful number for me. They were: 37! 

One for each year that I lived in this earth, 37 messy, crazy, coconutty oiled wrapped locks, talking about me, telling strangers about my journey, how I am a mother, how I am a sister and a daughter and wife and a friend... 

My 37 locks will tell you everything about me if you listen carefully, you will hear them screaming of my past and predicting my future while shining on my present.

I needed them to remind me of my childhood, my teen years, and how free I used to feel when I was just me and living life at its fullest when I didn't know anything about countries and immigrating and leaving home, and laws and rules and people don't liking me just because of my skin color. 

My dreads reminded me of who I used to be when I was unaware of money and unfairness when I was all away from the complexity of being married, or the extreme responsibility that is to be a mother. They reminded me of who I was, but also, showed me who I should be.

37 locks in my mane were holding tight on me; shining proudly like a crown on its queen's head, like if they were giving the hug from the mother that needed so bad, crawling into my mind to whisper me what to do next, how to stand against negativity and showing me how I could too if I want to, shine under the sun. 

They came to help me to sing again that old song all forgotten but still beautiful; that is longing to come out to the world and be listened to. 37 they were and made me feel wholesome again.

But now that they did their job they are leaving me, and I want to cry, but they promised me to come back soon to teach me more and new things when the time is right.

 I'll wait for them patiently because I know now that everything has its time and reasons.

I will never forget the 37 locks that whispered in my ear who I was and who I am not supposed to be, they gave me the soft caress I needed for so long, and especially, my 37 locks gave my spirit it's true look.


jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

“La Cartera y el Sombrero”

cartera y sombrero

Ayer les dije al sombrero y a la cartera que estaban en el fondo de mi closset: 
-“Niñas, arréglense, basta ya de depresión, nos vamos a la calle.”
Me miraron como si estuviera loca.
- “Nos quiere matar”, pensó mi sombrero.
- “Que irresponsable”, me dijo la cartera. 
Las ignoré, las saqué por la fuerza y nos fuimos... 
Sí, con cuidadito, mirando bien a los costados y sin tropezar con nadie pero al fin salimos del encierro.
Ya sentadas en el auto seguían criticándome y refunfuñando entre dientes, las veía discutir por el espejo retrovisor, pero les puse su canción favorita y le subí todo el volumen a la radio del carro y de pronto el sombrero empezó a bailar y la cartera se empezó a reír....
 Cantamos! A todo Pulmón!
Ya llevaban meses en casa mirando las noticias todo el día, compartiendo información en internet que cada día, por cierto, es diferente, lavándose las manos 50 veces al día, limpiando todo lo que encuentran en su paso, sin peinarse y en pijamas... ayer pensé: “Esto no es vida.”
Manejé sin rumbo mientras cantábamos y disfrutamos del paisaje y vi como el viento por la ventana del auto soplaba su brisa en la cartera y los rayos del sol tocaban tiernamente a mi sombrero. Fue maravilloso ver como se les olvidó, por unos minutos, que el mundo sufre, lo olvidaron no por egoísmo o indiferencia, lo olvidaron porque, por unos momentos, volvieron a concentrarse en “vivir”, nos hacía falta “VIVIR”. 
Al cabo de un rato, sentí remordimientos y me dije: “Deberíamos volver a casa y no exponernos más”, pero volví a ver el espejo retrovisor y mi cartera y mi sombrero seguían felices, cantando y hasta haciendo coreografías, la estaban pasando genial, no las había visto así desde hace muchísimo... me dio pena amargarles el rato así que las llevé a tomar un juguito y luego vimos el atardecer desde el auto.
Llegamos agotadas a casa, tuve que cargar en brazos a ambas ya dormidas, cada una con una sonrisa en los labios.
Hoy amanecieron alegres y risueñas; con ganas de leer, de arreglarse y de cocinar un postre.
Hemos acordado que al menos una vez a la semana y con los cuidados necesarios, vamos a planear una salida como la de ayer, cada día esperamos ansiosas el día pactado para salir de nuestro encierro y “vivir”.
Mi sombrero y mi cartera entendieron que un alma deprimida contagia a otra y a otra.... y así susesivamente, nos convertimos en un mundo deprimido y con las defensas bajas en donde más enfermedades físicas y del corazón nos pueden atacar.
Contagiémonos mejor, de sonrisas y alegrías aún en medio de la desgracia, MÁS AÚN en medio de la desgracia.
La cartera, el sombreo y yo dimos ayer una vueltita por el perejil, olvidando por unos momentos, que hay pandemia, que hay racismo, que existe el odio, que hay injusticias... Olvidamos no porque no nos importe, pero por que necesitábamos recordar quienes somos nosotras? Y cómo podemos ayudar a nuestro mundo?
Somos una simple cartera, un simple sombreo y yo una simple “yo” y podemos ayudar en medio de ésta tragedia con lo mejor que tenemos para ofrecer: 
Nuestra voz, nuestra sonrisa y nuestra alegría. 
Aveces creo que es insignificante pero luego me doy cuenta que EL MUNDO no podría vivir sin nosotras.
Si alguien nos ve cantar, reír y bailar en la calle,
        Estamos trabajando por un mejor mundo!

Xo: Natalia.

Mi pequeño Disclaimer:

“Con este pequeño post trato de dar un recordatorio para que todos nos cuidemos espiritual y mentalmente durante éstos tiempos difíciles, hacer cosas simples como bailar en casa o dar una caminata al aire libre (tomando las precauciones del caso) pueden ayudar inmensamente a sentirnos mejor y hace grandes cambios en nosotros y en nuestro mundo.”


“Magic happens when you don’t give up even though you want to... 
The Universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart” ❤️

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

A otra cosa Mariposa 🦋

It’s been 10 years since I started  writing this little Blog, 
it’s time to fly... 
I’m not saying “Adios” for good because I’ll be back here and there with fewer posts probably, but I feel the need to close this beautiful chapter in my life. 
I started sharing my thoughts about motherhood, mainly in Spanish, because as a new young mom away from my family, I wanted to be connected and keep them posted about my daughter in a special way with everybody back home in Perú, but from there, I went on and started sharing more aspects of my life such as fashion, music, home decor and personal life, later in both Spanish and English languages.
It’s been a wonderful experience and now, I am left with a bunch of lovely memories that I will treasure forever.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you’ve been a subscriber or even if you have been here only once. I appreciate the support and I really hope that in any way I was able to inspire you, gave you an idea, get a smile out of your face or helped you in any way possible.
I am going to stay connected on social media and I hope to comeback with a new format or new ways to express myself and contribute to this world as always; with a positive, and women empowering message, as a mother of 3 girls, honoring my mother's legacy and my daughters future will always be my biggest mission in life.
I can’t wait to see you and start new chapters, challenges and keep inspiring each other.

Thank you, thank you, thank you and see you soon!

Xo: Natalia

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2019

Happy New Year (OUTFIT IDEAS)

Hey Loves! Happy almost 2020! I can’t believe another years is around the corner, seems crazy how fast time flying to me lately, Are you ready for the big celebration? well, here are 5 new Outfit ideas to receive the new Year in Style! Which one is your favorite? Don’t forget to let me know and also to watch the cute little video I made trying on all of them.
I hope you like them and get to wear them or similar looks!
Love you and wish the best year for you!
Xo: Natalia 



Dress:Similar here or here
Golden shoes: Similar here or here
Wing Earrings: Similar here or here
Black Wristlet by Aldo, similar here



Dress: Similar by Shein at only $9.00 get it here, similar here
Red Pointy Pumps by Nine West, similars here
Wing Earrings: Similar here or here
Black Wristlet by Aldo, similar here
Beige Cape Shein, similar here
Rose gold watch: Similar here or here



Dress: by Target, $28.00 Get it here
Jeweled Sandals by Badgley Mischka, similar here or here
Necklace: Similar here or here
White faux fur Coat: Similar here or here



Dress: by Bebe $49.99 get it here
Jeweled Sandals by Badgley Mischka, similar here or here
Black Wristlet by Aldo, similar here



Jumpsuit: by Express $49.99, get it here
Golden shoes: Similar here or here
Beige Cape Shein, similar here
Rose gold watch: Similar here or here

miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2019

Christmas 2019 (Pictures)

Merry Christmas! We hope everyone is still enjoying the love, family and magic of this special time of the year! We had a beautiful celebration and my girls did enjoyed what Santa brought to them! We are more than thankful to have each other and to spend another year together healthy and happy.
Here are my favorite pictures from christmas eve dinner and Christmas morning, hope you like to share with us your joy.
Xo: Natalia