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lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

I looked at myself and I see again my rounded belly and my big smile saying: "Hey, hello, we are here again! Pregnant"..
I know its already 25 weeks but sometimes it doesn't really "hit you" at the beginning... Sometimes you need time to realize an event it's happening to you!
I'm pregnant? Am I? .... for real? again?
Well, yes I am and for the third time a little human being is growing inside me...
Yes, I have being there already, so I should know what to expect, right? or not? or sort of?...
Well, truth is I had walked this way before, but as if it was my first time I have fears, and hopes and all the questions in the world... How would you look like? (probably like your sisters of course!), or not?... What if this time you look like me? What if your are different, What if you come earlier, What if you are chubbier, or grumpier? What kind of voice you'll have? What cute smile you will give me? What if, What if....???

Third time sound like a lot of experience, but deep inside; my belly is new to you, and I love that, we are new to each other, this is a new experience for both, you are different and especial just like your sisters...you kick different and you so far are much more active that Sophie & Stellita were in my belly, I don't care how "experienced" is a women with having children, every time it feels like new, like I never knew anything of motherhood... of course technical things are alike, but you can get surprises and have your world rocked and everything that you thought you knew and had "under control" it can change with every pregnancy.
I can't wait to meet you and learn from and about you.
You will be my last child (I promise)  and like that last bite you try from your favorite dish I want to savor you, I want to keep you in my memory and remember how good (and sometimes bad) it felt to be pregnant, be a women and be an expecting mom.
I can't be more gratefully for this new blessing in my life as a women.

I expect you with a heart full of love and hopes and fears.
Love, mom.

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