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martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Pregnancy Favorites

Here are my must haves/ favorites for this pregnancy!

Number 1- My t-shirt!
From Hello Merch, I can't tell you how many compliments I had receive for this shirt! It's soo cool! i love it! buy it here!

Number 2- My Sparkling Water and chocolate Ice cream!

Yes, I am crazy for sparkling water, all day, all night; can't get enough of it, and Ice cream... of course!

Number 3 - My Neck Pillow & Pregnancy Pillow!
Totally can't sleep without my neck pillow, for some reason I have the worst pain in my neck and shoulders and this baby helps me A LOT!
My pregnancy pillow is also cool, and I love to hug on it all the time, I got one from Today mom!

4- My Prenatal Vitamins!
For obvious reasons! Very important! sold here!

5- A baby Doppler!
Since I'm so excited to meet my new love, i at least try to hear her heart beat sometimes and imagine a little bit more about her!
I got mine as a present, but here is one similar!

6 - My Belly Band!
Another loyal partner of mine in this pregnancy, It's great for walking!
I got this one!

7- My Nipple Cream!
Yeah, it's ITCHY!
This is the one I use!

Thanks for coming!

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