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martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

I met three girls ♥♥♥

I met three girls not long ago...
I was 25 when I met the first one, I was nervous and inexperienced, but I felt in love immediately and the instincts came right away for me.
The second one took  long to come, but when she did I savored every minute of her, I was trying to catch and capture every special moment cause I knew they were gonna pass too fast.
By the third girl I was already 31; more relaxed and secured, she came by surprise but for sure was in my dreams having her here, it's the little one that I spoiled a lot, she can do whatever she wants (so far).
They are unique, cute and sweet and the three of them are equally special to me. 
They are my all, they made me laugh and cry all at once. 
They taught me real love, they gave me strength and wisdom, but they made me so week.
They brought life back to me when I though everything was lost and although they were born thru me, they gave ME life.
They are so little they don't know how much I depend on them, each and everyone has a piece of me in their little hands and I can't even breath if I don't know where they are.
These 3 souls are mine but I belong to them.
Never please thing that I can go on without you girls, you took a piece of my heart and never again it will be the same and that's ok, I love it that way.
You walk around, jumping, playing and singing and in fact it's my spirit enjoying your acts, when you cry I cry inside, when you smile my eyes shine, when you sleep I watch your dreams, and if you are awake even as tired as I could be I jump out of bed for a big "good morning kiss".

So thank you girls for just being, for just exist, I don't care if you become "big"; Doctors? Teachers? Engineers? You're already ALL for me!

To Sophia, Stella and Victoria the loves of my life, my soul mates, my little friends, my little girls, my everything.

Love, Mom♥

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