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lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Labor Day - Picnic

Happy Labor Day! and happy for any occasion that gives you an excuse to do something fun with your loved ones! 
We just had a fun and relaxing time at our local park with a picnic in the morning.
My girls and I sure enjoyed the weather and the fact that little Victoria is now more "present" in any of our activities.

 But for sure the ones that understand and enjoy the most this little moments are Sophia and Stellita; they were running, jumping, eating and singing all the time,  of course Sophia is the leader here and my precious Stella follows her everywhere she goes trying to imitate all the things the big sister does!

I was planing to have a picnic with the girls during this Summer but it's being really hot here in Maryland so I was postponing it too much.... until today that I told myself: No way I'm going stay home today, no way José!
 I wanted to use my Peruvian blanket soo bad, and this was the right opportunity to do so, and I was right, it looked super beautiful outdoors, it's just a little piece of home here for me, it's cozy and colorful, it has personality and it's unique, I love it, thanks to Grandma' Patty for bringing it to us. 

My three loves, my all, my beautiful little girls! I' the luckiest girl for having them and for watch them grow everyday!

It was all fun, games, love, kisses, watermelon, some fights over chips and more kisses! 
Stella is obsessed with her little sister, she just can't stop hugging and kissing her all day long!


Enjoy the weather, enjoy their childhood, enjoy your family; every day, every minute, every second!

Thanks for coming! 
Natalia ♥

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