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miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Victoria's 6 months update ♥

Growing every day, showing her personality, loving every minute watching her discovering the world, so blessed and happy to be her mommy! Well, everybody says times flies, and yes, it does, but I gotta tell you this time around it's being crazy fast... maybe because I'm watching 3 crazy, adorable little girls that I feel my days are just passing thru my eyes and this time with Victoria I think I just gave birth yesterday and now she is a 6 month old baby who is already trying to crawl and makes the most funny noises!
She is literally the happiest girl I've met so far, all she does all day is smile and even laugh out loud at times, it seems like she is just happy to see you, happy to be here, happy to watch what she is seeing. She lights up the room with her big brown eyes and wide open smile, even for pictures looks like she "knows" mommy wants her to smile for the camera.
Well, I'm one busy mommy now but never too busy to stop contemplating my 3 babies grow!
I'm already missing the first weeks of her being born... I know I know it's super crazy and chaotic but still; those first cuddles with your baby are precious.
For now she is enjoying all the new flavors she is trying every day, and trying to bite on EVERYTHING with those little but sharp teeth (trust me; I've felt them already a couple of times- ouuch) and you can tell how much she wants to play with her sisters, as soon as she sees them running and jumping she tries to move and put herself up as much as she can and there I am trying to slow her down... because then... I wont have a baby anymore :( 
But life it's cruel sometimes and I'll have to watch them grow and became big girls one day. Until then I'll still try to enjoy them and savor these days, I'm sure I wont miss waking up at 2 am tired as hell but then... I go to her room and she holds me soo tight like she was telling me "Mommy, I missed you, I need a hug" Oh God! never felt so much love even though it's so much work! lol!
Work that I'm happy to have and blessed to live.
Thanks for coming

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