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domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Naked Cake

It was my second daughter's second Birthday so I took a deep breath and I told myself: I'm making a cake" "I got this", I had make cakes for my girls since I stared celebrating their birthdays (8 years ago, so far 9 birthday celebrations all 3 together) so this time was not going to be any different, but I was hesitating a little and very tempted to go to the bakery and get one already made, until I saw this "Naked cakes" online, they looked beautiful, soo yummy and yet soo easy!
That gave me a lot of confidence because I was terrified of the idea to be baking and decorating a cake while nursing one daughter and dealing with 2 more, luckily I wasn't wrong, my beautiful naked cake turned out to be a success, not only was pretty but it was delicious! the fruits, the whipped cream, and "manjar blanco or dulcec de leche " (Spanish sweet) made the cake really yummy! You guys need to try it.

Well, before you all start thinking "making a cake is a lot of work", let me tell you that they are not made from scratch, nope, they are boxed vanilla cakes, so right there things get a lot easier!
I know you may think boxed cakes aren't  as moist or "good" as the one you made from scratch but let me tel you, nobody though my cake came from a box! I don't know.. maybe because of the heavy-whipped cream and fruits and filling but they tasted very moist.
Follow the instructions on the box for each cake and  here is a Tip when making a box cake: I always add a cup of pudding to help the box cake be moist and it works!.
I baked about 5 vanilla boxes, and divided them into 2 different molds sizes, that way I ended up with "2 level cakes" which I divided each level in 3.

And then just come the Fun part: The decorating, I don't even got pictures of that process because it was so fast (I did it just when my guests were coming, I wanted the fruits to be fresh)
So it took me very little to put the whole cake together.
This is what you need to do: 
Place your first layer on your cake stand, and start filling. I used Whipping cream (blend powder sugar and heavy cream until it gets the desired consistency - for about 5-8 minutes) Here is a video that explains it all
And now it's when you an get all creative, go ahead and fill the center with a different things... almost whatever that you would like can go.
 I put in the middle some strawberries, "manjar blanco"and topped with the whipping cream, 
another layer was filled with blue berries other with raspberries,..So it's really about your personal taste and imagination.

When you are done with all the filling make sure you align the cake so it look straight and star filling the empty spaces in between the layers, here it gets a little messy but don't worry; that's the whole point of the cake; it can be messy it don't need to be perfect (as when I made the ones with fondant like this one last year)
So have fun and get messy, your kids can definitelly help here too.
Use a big knife or spatula to even up the sides of the cake.

Now it's time to add flowers, I used this natural mini carnations in pink and white that later; before serving I set apart, just add some pieces here and there!
And the last touch (my favorite) get some powder sugar on a sift and start sprinkling it all over your cake!

A candle a cake topper and my friend you are ready to go!


Cutest and easiest birthday cake I ever made!
I think from now on I'm sticking to this beautiful cake for all our Birthdays!

 Thanks for coming!
xoxo Natalia

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