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jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

Ponchos, boots and hot cocoa ♥

When I first move to USA, I though snow was the most wonderful thing in the world, I remember clearly feeling fascinated the first time I saw snow falling, and indeed; it is a wonderful thing, but after experiencing long walks in the snow (when I had to go to work on a Sunday without a car or ride, or when I had to wait for the bus for about 1 hour at the bus stop on a snowy day) I don't know but my fascinations faded away a little.

Still of course I have to make the best of it, and now that I am a mom comes the "kid factor" which is that of course: They adore the snow!
So thanks to them is that I am rediscovering and trying to fall in love again with this beautiful time of the year (yes, beautiful because that's what it is) and #Jonas2016 blizzard was the perfect excuse to have fun in the snow.
Seeing it thru their eyes brings back that excitement to me.There for; I try this year to be positive and brave, wear my snow boots and my thickest winter jacket and go outside (my door) and try to get some adventures with my girl (at least while hubby cleans the cars and home entry)
We attempted to play in the snow, Sophie had a blast, it was really hard to keep up with her because she was everywhere, jumping, throwing snow balls and tobogganing with our neighbors, Stella (to my surprised) loved it too, she wanted to do everything her big sister was doing but of course I had to pull her back a little (which she hated) and Victoria didn't know exactly what was going on... she just looked happy to be out but after a little bit she decided it was to cold for her tiny 8 month old nose
Still I was able to take some pictures of us in the snow for memories, I now it will come years and year (if we still live in East coast) of plenty of fun in the snow in the future for us.

Winter is all that and more: fun, snow angels, dressing up and drinking a lot of hot cocoa.

Every season  (or moment) in our lives has something to bring us; either is joy, fun, excitement or challenges, I have to remind myself to see it again thru a kid's eyes which shows you that the pure simple things in life are free and mesmerizing.

Thanks for coming

                                               Xo Natalia.

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