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lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Xoxo ♥

Happy Valentine's my dears, it's that time of the year when we show our love and care to our favorite people in the world, so for this year I didn't have big plans or anything (it's freezing cold around here) and my baby girl got sick 2 days ago (an ugly virus) and this  mommy it's NOT SLEEPING :'( yeah, so it's just being at home trying to look presentable and still trying to enjoy with the loves of my life.
Every year we do something special just me and my hubby but this time got a "little bit more crowded", having our third girl now makes us to enjoy a family date going out all  5 of us as a big loud crazy family (ask the people at the restaurant) lol, anyways, that's what matters right? being together and being ourselves!
The girls and I tried some recipes this year and here they are, I hope you try some or let me know what did you do for your Valentine's day.

Of course is the BAKING and for that I found this amazing website called  "Foodstirs" if you don't know them go check them out, what they do it's basically get the job done for you to entertain your kids who love baking and cooking for only $20.00 a month and with healthy ingredients, it's a monthly subscription service that send to your door a box with a recipe for you to make, inside the box there is everything you'll need to make a cute easy and yummy desert, trust me, your kids will love it.

We got our first box and it was "heart shape cookies" soo cute and so easy to make; 
here is how they turned out.


 Two happy costumers! 

Not enough sweetness in your life?
Well then you'll love this strawberries with chocolate. Easy, yummy and cute as well... (this was my valentines present for my hubby) :)
They are the easiest thing in the world, you'll only need: strawberries, (make sure they are clean and dried), chocolate chips (any kind, I'm using dark and white) and any toppings you'll like (I have sprinkles, but you can use nuts, coconuts or anything you prefer)

 Simply deep your strawberries on melted chocolate, add your topping and let it dry! 
Yes, that's all that is!!

Of course the girls had to help me, they really had fun playing eating and decorating their treats!

Finally I got to take some pictures of my babies, I mean, look at them.... aren't they soo cute? Omg I'm gonna die, they are my everything, my crazy, funny, sweet, smart, cute, lovely 3 girls that rock my world and make me cry and smile all at the same time everyday!

I really hope that no matter what your situation in life is you can have a special person, family member or friend to say I love you today or any day of the year!

xoxo, Natalia.

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