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viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

National Coffee Day

Hey beautiful, thanks for coming to my little blog today, and not any simple day it is, today is National Coffee Day!!! (Ta-daaaa!!!!) if you are a coffee lover like me, you probably consider this kind of like your "Second Birthday", you can't stop telling your friends about it, yep, that's me! I truly found on drinking my daily morning cup of black coffee an experience, I really think it makes my morning come together, I drink only one cup a day and I feel "Wonder Women" after.
For those of you wondering where to find good coffee deals today here a link where you can read about the best deals nation wide!
So enjoy today, because is coffee day, or because is Friy-yay, or simply because is a beautiful sunny fall day! whatever the reason is; remember to feel and believe you can be "Wonder Women" (or Superman)  it's all about the attitude (and in my case; the morning cup) put on your best positive face and go on and take the world!
Today I'm starting my day making sure I'll have my dinner ready (so I won't be running late for it) and then making sure I'm getting my weekend planned and later I will be joining my Friday party at the Gym: Zumba Party!!!!! It really feels like a party, I see the friendly faces and positive energy, the catchy music, and the moves just take my mind to a happy place! Can't wait for it!!
I'll finish my Friday putting my girls to sleep and enjoying a movie with my hubby.
So, see? nothing crazy, nothing glamorous, but mine!, my life, my style, my normal and calm and happy season where simple little things makes me so happy!
I hope anyone who reads this understands that we don't need expensive things or extravagant reasons to find happiness and joy, I hope you are finding your reasons withing yourself!
Thanks for coming!

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