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viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

9.4.2 ♥

They said: "Blink and they've grown up", I have to agree, my girls are growing up too fast and becoming 3 crazy, funny, stubborn at times but sweet at many other times girls that I adore, they are getting into their own little selves, showing me their personalities and differences, their points of views and their ways to look at life...

Sophia is my 9-going to 15 year old girl, she is discovering the world now as a teenager almost, too soon for me if you ask me, I was expecting this to happen later, but little things here and there are staring to pop and giving me the heads up of her becoming a teen...Do I want it? NO! Am I ready? NO! Can I stop it? NO! But for sure I will try to enjoy it, embrace it and ask for lots of help!
She is still very sweet for the most part, educated and well behaved, but here and there she is staring to "Question" everything me or her dad ask from her, I don't mind the questioning actually, I love that she has her own opinions, but sometimes this "Questions" are oppositions to the rules we try to have at home, there is where the situations start, she'll ask me "Why?, I will try to explain, she will keep saying: But, but... why?? and I might try to explain one more time and then when she seems not to get it, I"ll just have to say the infamous "Because I said so" phrase.... Am I starting to be that mean mom?? I guess, but again I'll need lots of help to go thru this stage of life with my baby, which I know, she is not a baby anymore (sad face) At School she is doing very well, I am proud of her, but we missed an eye doctor appointment last year and her sight has gone really bad, she will be using glasses since next week, that has being hurting her school grades, but I am hopeful that the problem will get fixed with the new pair of glasses that are coming soon.

Stella is 4 years old now, she is very cool and calm, I feel of the 3 she is my most serious one, she is friendly and happy but not with everyone, she is very selective of who she trusts (I kind of like that), she is on her "bossy years" she bosses he little sister all day, she is totally in charge of the situation and games with her little sister, she is Victoria's "MOM" (I am Grandma') Stella loves to dance and gets very serious about it, she missed Pre-School this year because of 9 days of difference to the school system requirements to start Pre-k, but next year I will try to see if taking a test will put her on kindergarten and catch up, (it's only 9 days of difference) She is ready though, she knows her abc's and colors (Both in English and Spanish), she know how to count until 20 and can color her book almost inside the lines, she is very protective of me and sensitive too, no crazy jokes with her, she'll take them to her heart and wont be so easy for her to forget and forgive, she still remembers that time when I didn't gave her a piece of chocolate (like 2 years ago) but luckily for mommy there is more chances!

Victoria! Yes, with a exclamation symbol, Victoria! is 2, the terrible's, the crazy's, the non-stopping laughing, crying, fighting, hugging, kissing, wanting all my attention and love, she is my wildest so far, my most active, I know it comes with this age but I can tell is also her personality to be silly and carefree and wild, she can be put on "time out" at one second and the next one she is the happiest girl sending me kisses and telling me, "I love you mommy, I'm a good girl already, I'm happy now, Can I come out of time out yet" I can't ever be completely serious with her because every time I try and I mean it, when I am very frustrated for sure, she will make a face or say something that will crack me up and then I can't stop laughing and so she thinks that nothing is really going to happen, this is definitely the kind of girl who will solve her problems with a hug and a smile or a joke, I feel helpless with her, or maybe I'm just tired already, I kind of give up, I'm kind of thinking: Ok, she wins!!! She is too cute for punishments, I can't! Victoria has the Victory!

They all are sweet and sensitive, they have the sweetest hearts, but also get frustrated a lot with themselves because of the age gap between them, so it's a challenge to have them all playing together without someone fighting, when it does happen and they play happily I feel like a million bucks.
It's so funny how I love them all the same, but I can't help to act differently with each one, probably influenced by the age each one has and their personalities, I think I'm trying to meet the needs of all of them my 3 loves, I hope one day you can remember certain times where maybe I wasn't the best mom to you, but for sure I tried to be the mom that you needed me to be.
I am proud of my 3 little girls, and guilty too because now that I am always busy I feel I am not the mom they all deserve, my attention is limited, my time as well, I try, but there is a big difference of when I had only Sophie and she had me all for herself than now trying to teach each one their tasks for their respective age while dealing with 2 more kids all talking at the same time and not going insane. 
I hope and wish they can get something more in exchange of my lack of time, my hope is that they can get family, sisters, memories, a little bit of a messy house, (and an almost crazy mom) but a lot of fun and love. 


Natalia ♥

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