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viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

New Beginnings

I hope everyone is doing well, I hope all of you who took the time to come here and read this few lines are fulfilling your dreams and conquering any obstacles you may come across. Today is the beginning of fall in the USA, a new season that promise us the unknown, the new, what a better excuse to try something different?, to take a risk, to try one more time to accomplish that dream that is in the back of our heads!
I am trying again, this time trying everything, be a better person, be better in the physical area, try to work out more, try to be patient with my girls, try new clothes and also I'm trying a new chapter in my blogging life, today I 'm launching my "Cafe con Nata" a Spanish public Facebook Page related to this little blog where I will be sharing a little bit of everything in my life but in Spanish, of course I'll still be posting here as always in English, but I though that I want to reconnect with my roots and my language too, will I succeed? I don't know, but that's what trying is all about, right? I will start posting a life video every Monday and Wednesday on that page hoping to let out my thoughts and find some new friends as well as to reconnect with the old friends. If you speak Spanish or know someone who does, please feel free to share my little page, if you don't, don't worry; I will post same content and pictures or videos in English as always here or on my Youtube channel; or my Instagram's accounts, be sure to follow me in all my social media outlets! 
So, yeah, that's what this new season is bringing to me, into my life and into my heart; the hope to connect and to inspire and be inspired by others, I believe there is always something in each of us that we can take and learn.
Like I said I hope everybody is doing well, amazing; I hope you can find a way to inspire others in this world with some positive message to give in times that we as humans are suffering from so many horrible things, too many catastrophes, too much hate, too much negativity, let's try to be the light for someone out there, let's change together one smile at the time our amazing world, and let's embrace the changes of a new Seasons.

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