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jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

"From the memories to the present"

Yesterday I had a picnic with my girls, they jumped and run and play while I read an old book that I loved so much reading when I was a teenager, the weather was everything... You could hardly believe is February in Maryland We had the best time!
The book I was trying to  read was this old book that I did not know I had saved from Perú, it's called: "Your Erroneous Zones" by Dr. Wayne Dyer, that back in the 90's became so popular, I found it buried in a drawer, surely when I moved into this house I thought I would read it again soon and then, 3 years later I was able to find it... I saw it yesterday and I took it in my hands and felt just like when you find those lost earrings that you were looking for, I immediately remembered my adolescence and could almost transport myself to those years when I was in my room sleeping with the windows open in my warm "Trujillo" and I used to devoured books, this one in particular I remember well, I took it to the picnic and I could check out through it while my girls played, but I could not focus as I wanted it ("mommy look, mommy take this, mommy come here", etc, etc.) If you are a mom, you'd know what I mean, so I took it with me after the picnic I brought it back home and left it on my night stand... Today in the morning, after giving my girls breakfast went to take a bath and fix the house on the second floor while they played in the first one and I saw it again; I immediately felt nostalgic again to see it, I felt as if it was calling me to read it and I notice how it kept it's shape after all this years thanks to the way I wrap it with "Vinifan" this transparent paper, the ones we used back in Perú, (that's how much I used to love my books back then) I opened it again and like those breezes that come suddenly and caress your face I found the page of the dedication, ,and there it was in blue ink; the most sweet paragraph to my eyes that I needed so bad to see:
"For MI Natalia, with lots of love, Isabel" - 28-12-94.
Sometimes we look for answers to our millions of questions, we ask for "signals" we want to hear words to feel that "push" in life ... and suddenly, those words appear in front of our face and they smile at us ...
24 years ago my mom gave me this book and left me little note there, her handwriting today it’s a treasure to me, today, my mother's letter reminded me of who I was, who I am and who I will always be: "HER Natalia", the daughter of a strong and tenacious woman, firm but sweet, affectionate and kind, graceful, funny and passionate.
I hope that while being your daughter I can make you happy and I hope you are proud, not of my "great achievements" which I don't have so many, but for the sincere and strong soul like yours I try to keep most of the time.
You talked to me and I heard you, you came from yesterday to help me with my today, thanks mom, once again.

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