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jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

My Window

I fell in love with this window 4 years ago when I moved into this house and I haven't used it as much as I wanted because it's been a challenge to get time for myself and for the "plans" I had with it. With the arrival of my last baby I could not do much of reading or singing, that was in a second place and I thought that I would never be able to do that again ... but you see, life goes on stages and children do grow kind of fast, so with almost 3 years old she does now some things by herself or with her sisters like coloring, watch tv or dance ... and that leaves me "free" for at least few minutes to reconnect with some of my past loves and passions or just simply staring at this window...
When is Winter everything outside is white with snow, other times it rains and I can hear the song of the rain falling, in Spring my window becomes pink by the cherry blossom trees, some birds come to visit me, in Summer the powerful sun shines bright and illuminates my whole bedroom and in Fall I find a show outside... red, orange, yellow and green colors cover my view.
They say that in life you can not have everything, there is people with great aspirations and sometimes unattainable goals ... when I was 15 I dreamed of being very successful, but what I really knew about success? The success that I knew back then I had learned while listening to others and copying from movies, without knowing that success is really something very personal and abstract.
20 years later I have found MY OWN SUCCESS in life and it might surprise many, but it is the simplest thing in the world ... A successful day today for me for example, is being able to sit in this window; drink my coffee, read a good book, listening to my daughters laugh out loud while they play, it's being able to stay very still here thinking and planning a project that might excites me, success for me today is playing my guitar and sing a happy song, is waiting for Renato to come to share the dinner I have prepared with such love and continue living every day with excitement for the new situations life might throw to me.
The simplest and most basic things make me very happy today and I like that.
I like the feeling of being happy with a wide view (whatever the season is) that I am learning to appreciate both; the brightness of the sun and the darkness of the night, each one has its charm and a lesson to learn from, I am happy to think that my success is coming from my heart and my spirit, does not mean that I do not have material goals, I have them, but they are down on my list; first there is the song that I want to learn, the book I want to write, the Summer on the beach that I want to spend with my family, the kiss that I have saved for Renato when he arrives and today's dinner... The hug I have saved for my Dad and my brother when I see them again, the cookies that I am excited to receive from Peru this week, the puppy that I want to adopt one day and the endless kisses that I have to give to my daughters, all
the rest can come in addition later.

Natalia ♥ ️

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