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lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

My Tea Party Surprise & How I got the Best Friends Ever ♥

So, I am very happy to be turning 18 years old tomorrow, I mean 25, no wait... THIRTY "EFFING" FIVE YEARS OLD !!! And you know what? I never felt better inside and out.
Today I won't be humble, today I’ll be #ExtraAF, that's right, because if you are (insert your age here) and you are healthy, have family, have good friends, have true love, have work (or a hobby) doing whatever you love and you have all your teeth then trust me; you are one lucky woman/men, and you get to say it and celebrate it and that is exactly what I am doing today at my 35 years!
I am so lucky and blessed, yes, nothing is perfect but I can’t ask for more, I am thankful for these 3 amazing, sweet and adorable babies I made in my own freaking body, I'm thankful for the loyal family I got back home in Perú still waiting for me any day to come back and give me the hug we all being waiting to fell, I am thankful for this man that keeps loving me even after all these years and all that we've been thru and after all my stretch marks he still thinks that I look good ("on clothes" that's how he would say it) and shows me his love getting out of his comfort zone to make me happy, because he did that yesterday, he reached out to my friends, the ones he knew I would be the happiest to see and celebrate my birthday with, I know sometimes I want to choke you in your sleep, but man... you did the unthinkable for me, I still can’t believe you got the courage to call my Gym friends and asked them to get together to celebrate and planned a surprised birthday party for me and even got me blind folded!
I am super happy he got to meet the other loves of my life: My girlfriends! 
All these gorgeous and fabulous women  that came to my life around 2-3 years ago... I was looking for you guys, you have no idea how much I wanted to meet you, and how much I appreciate you, I told you about my ""Law of Attraction Board" yesterday and how I pasted a picture of myself into a magazine picture of a group of girlfriends because I needed and wanted so bad to find a group of girls like you to meet and to share our lives and stories, and you guys exceeded my expectations, all of you are beautiful, unique and special in your own way, I can easily think of all of you and get inspired and motivated to be like you, I adore each one of you for what I can see your true beauty is; in just a few years you have shown me what a real "Wonder Women" looks like, a real bad ass women, a real friends who make me laugh and cry and try to be better, you inspired me and helped me reach my goals, whether they are fitness, spiritual, relationships, work, motherhood... you all have given me something to learn from and I can never repay you for your wisdom and advises,  I was hoping to find you, and finally I can say I have the best girlfriends anybody could ask for, it took me 15 years but the waiting was worth it, you are more than what I would ever wish for.
Thanks for the Surprise Tea Party, you really know me well, It was more than perfect, each and every little detail looked like it came from a fancy magazine, I am obsessed with the tea cups and tea pots, all the flowers around the napkins and the yummy bom boms, the amazing quiche that my husband loved, the champagne and the decorations shows what kind of beautiful ladies you are, so thoughtful, so delicate and so sweet, all the food was delicious, the cake was gorgeous, you were looking beautiful and amazing as always and all your wishes and presents are here with me not only in my hands but especially in my heart forever, I don’t deserve nothing and I am forever grateful for you all. To my guy friends that were there too, I love you so much too and the women you got by your side shows the gentleman you are, it needs a strong and smart man to handle strong and smart ladies like my girls, thanks for your time and good wishes to me.
To my fabulous friends that couldn't make it to the party; I know you were totally there in spirit, I am talking and thinking about you too when I said that I was crazy to meet you and that I am the happiest to have you in my life as friends.
All I can say now is that I hope you know how much this meant to me and that I will forever treasure it in  my memories and heart, cheers to many many more stories together and girlfriends night outs, and more challenges and more races, and many many more parties and bumping our booties together on the dance floor!!! ♥
With Love Natalia

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