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lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! Gotta be happy, Ok? I don't care if 100 memes said the contrary, Monday is not the bad guy, let's make it a happy one. I was thinking the other day, Why is that Mondays are the enemy? I said BS!! I refuse to set my day for a failure, It got to be a fabulous day, specially when is the beginning of the week, I know, I know... We are tired, we didn't want the weekend to end yet, BUT... beginnings suppose to bring us passion and excitement, new vibes, new ideas, new goals and a reset button! I believe in the power of our mind and in the law of attraction, so no more "low-negative energy Mondays" for this chica, from now on my Mondays (and hope yours too) will be the amazing beginning of a fun adventure, conquering goals, energy re-charged week! And for that I had my plans...First of all, few days ago we celebrate the "International Women's Day" How cool is that?, I got a day, besides my birthday to celebrate the magic of being me; a women, (sorry guys, you're not as magical as us girls) and I 'm not taking it lightly; I really believe we are totally cool and awesome, we are daughters who care for our parents when they are older, women who love intensely to our man, mothers who will sacrifice anything for our children, devoted sisters and the best friends ever, so let's live it up to those standards!
My plan for this week (knowing how cool I am) is to get rid off any negativity that comes close to me, I want a week of positive, good hearted people around me, people who seek health, love, positive vibes and that help each other, so I made a list of 5 activities that I will do during this fabulous and positive week:
#1- I will go to the Gym as much as I can during this week- People in the gym are the best people, they had come to the realization, that an active life is key, they know how important is to be healthy and exercise, they love their bodies and treat it well, I want to be around all of them!
#2-  I will go out with my girls- Spring is starting slowly but surely to show up here in Maryland, so the more sun we can get, the more vitamin D we will have and that means good mood, happy thoughts and less fights between my girls (oh and some much needed tanning too - use sunscreen tho).
#3- I will pet a neighbor's dog- There is a said that goes: "I can't trust someone who don't like dogs" I mean, having a pet is like having a kid, it takes a lot of work, so anyone who parent a fur-baby can be my friend, you have all my respect, and dogs are the most loyal beings, I don't have one yet, but can't wait to get one so my girls can experience unconditional love from a puppy!

#4- I will sing- For some people is dancing, for others is running, or fishing, for me is singing; there is where my soul finds freedom, so, I will sing a lot this week!
#5- I will eat- It's hard to find a peaceful time to cook during busy days, but I'll make sure I can take at least 2 or 3 days of this week to make some of my favorite dishes, I'm planing some Peruvian food: "Papa a la Huancaina, "Caldo de gallina", and one of my american favorite: "Pork Ribs" Uhmm... just thinking about it is putting me in a good mood already!
So there you go! My goals for this week, which ones are yours?
Can't waste a single day complaining, let's take the week by it's Monday and let's make it wonderful!


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