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jueves, 9 de agosto de 2018

"15 Random Facts about me"

Hey loves, happy Thursday, guess what? This momma right here had some time off from her babies today (*Insert an exciting-screaming-happy face here*)
It is really a rare occasion that I can have some "lonely time" at my house, well, my princesses are at their grandparents house having some pool time with them... So, today I cleaned, did laundry, ate my favorite homemade soup, listen to my favorite Pandora station and wrote a little here in my Blog; all that WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS of those precious little voices around me.

I thought, now that I have some free time, it would be fun to share with you some random facts about me. I bet you didn't know these things, hope you still like me after reading about them :)
Let's start!

1- My full name is Natalia Carrasco Coa (Zerga is my married Last name, I use it more now, especially on social media.

2- I was born and raised in Trujillo-Perú, a North-West Coast city in the Pacific ocean with long waves that when you get into the sea you need to either pray or be very brave to surf them!

3- I Speak, read and write fluent Spanish. I speak, read and write (almost fluently) in English and I know 2 songs by heart in Italian! (feel so proud about those songs) :)

4- I am a Pisces girl, the sensitive and dramatic Piscis, I know you can't tell, of course, but I can be a little bit dramatic sometimes (*No way, right?), I was born on March 20th 1983 in Perú when is Summer time there, so I was used to celebrate my birthday with a sunny summery weather, now in the States my birthday is just when the Spring starts so is still a little bit cold some years, but I like to think that I bring the Spring with my Birthday.

5- I learned to play the guitar when I was 11 years old, my mom sent me to have private lessons and I even learned to read and write music (Don't ask me now, because I don't remember anything about that anymore) but I fell in love with the guitar and when I was in high school I used to write my own songs and all my friends at recess will sing them along with me.

6- During my whole childhood I had 5 puppies, 1 cat, 2 parrots, 1 turtle and 3 little canaries.
And when I was in Pre-k I used to tell my teacher that I also owned a "cockroach".

7- I can make a really good impression of Thalia Sodi's singing.

8- I started singing in public events when I was 9 years old, in a Peruvian History Class; our teacher assigned us to bring to school a poem, a song or a sketch related to Perú, I was the only one who chose a song (my mom encouraged me) I learned a "Peruvian Vals" and sang in front of the classroom, later the teacher asked me to perform it in from of the whole school, since then I was the "Singer" of my school.

9- I won first place at a Story Writing contest in my City when I was 12, I came up with a comic book about one of my pets that got killed in my neighborhood, as a prize I got a red radio cassette that I used in my bedroom until I moved to USA.

10- My husband and I met when we were probably 1-2 years old, our parents worked together for a bank and our mothers were friends, actually his mom is my "First Communion Godmother", we have the cutest pictures together as little kids.

11- I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 15 years old. When I was 8 my dad got me a "Cyclocross bike" and expected me to ride it, I was traumatized, but 7 years later I learned on that same bike anyways.

12- I got lost in New York City at 19 years old by myself in the train trying to find the Amtrak to take a ride to Virginia.

13- I started writing this Blog 8 years ago, it was all in Spanish and it was mostly about my motherhood experiences, the first name of this Blog was "Mamacita", my very first Post was a letter to my mom.

14- I was an Aupair, it didn't work out that well, one day I gotta share my story with you all :)

15- In my 20's I once was almost 200 lbs, I look back at pictures and I never felt that much "fat" I always had a high self-esteem, so I felt I was a little chubby but not "fat ugly" I do think now, looks are important but most important is health and self-esteem, especially this last one, self-esteem is always a key in any state of your life.

Love you and thanks for reading, if you have questions for me feel free to ask them, 
I'll gladly answer them to you! :)

xo: Natalia

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