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sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Stella's Monthly Celebrations!! (first 6 Months)

Having a second baby gives you the chance to do everything all over again, you learn from the past to not make the same mistakes, and to correct things you wish you did with your first child, one of those things was that I never celebrated those monthly mini-parties with my Sophie, but now with Stellita I am blowing a little candle or every month she grows!!
Here are her firsts 6 months!!

"The First Week"

I got the belly  of cast and got the chance to take a picture with Stella on it!

of course my proud and beautiful "Big Sister"

♥ Sister's Love ♥

My little one has come a long way, and every time she just gets more and more adorable!!
I am taking a monthly picture in the same spot (the Nursery chair) with a white shirt and the sticker I got with the monthly number!

The first 2 months I did't have the stickers yet (they arrived later) nothing that a little Photoshop wouldn't fix ;)

It's absolutely beautiful to keep this progress on camera!!

xoxo. Natty :)

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