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domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

Mommy & Me at the beach ♥

 Hey loves, are you sad as me for the Summer to come to an end? I am still in denial, 
Part of me keeps telling me I still have few more weeks to go, but the other part of me is getting ready for back to school and looking forward to the nice Fall weather to come, so I'm in the middle.
One of my favorite things to do as a mom is to match with the girls 
(yes, I still do it while I can and the girls don't complain as much), 
so I found these adorable bathing suits on Amazon (comes in so many different colors) 
I loved the "got it from my mama" idea, not a better way to show how proud we are of our "Matriarchy" We love and embraced us being all girls!
I couldn't wait to snap pictures with all of us wearing them, 
I love these memories of us dressing alike and having people in the streets looking and giving us the:
 "Awww.... You guys look so cute", yep, that was us this week on Delaware, 
we had a fun beach day, can't wait to one day show the pictures and videos to my girls and remember these times
Life is good and I can't be more thankful for my babies.
Hope you are still enjoying the summer and excited to see what the next season brings us!

Xo: Natalia

Get the Look:

Amazon Matching Bathing suits: Get them here

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