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lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Pumpkin Patch Family Day

'Tis the Season! The Pumpkin Patches Season! 
For us is a fun day trip to our local pumpkin patch, being born and raised in a different country we never got to see pumpkin patches there, we don't have 4 seasons actually, so "Fall" for me is extra special and exciting because; like a little girl, I get to discover all that this new season offers and pumpkin patches are one of the adorable ways to celebrate fall.
Needless to say, my 3 girls love it, this year we did pretty well at our visit to the Pumpkin Patch/ Fall Festival, (better than last year), Our secret weapon? We got organized! 
We knew what games we wanted to go, we knew where to eat and we knew how long we wanted to stay, so the whole experience was way more enjoyable than last year when we were still new to the process.
We went earlier (beginning of October), so fewer people were there, which means no crowds, better parking lot spaces, no long lines for the hayrides, etc.
We ate out of the pumpkin patch place, we got some snacks and hot dogs for the girls but we saved our main meal to a local restaurant close to us, that way we stayed and enjoy more time at the games.
We took bug spray and sunscreen with us, last year the bees were loving my husband a little too much, this year they were there too, but with a little help of some bug spray we kept them away and nobody got stunk, thank God.
We mapped our journey, that way we knew where exactly to go, checking online for the place and doing a little research beforehand helped a lot and saved us time.
In conclusion this year we did pretty well I would say, having 3 girls can be chaotic sometimes (Actually all the time), so planning beforehand a visit anywhere is always a key to success!
Here are some pictures of our fun day!  
Enjoy Fall and whatever you do take some time to plan your day that way the experience get to be super fun and drama free! 

Xo: Natalia

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